Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our good friend Sasikiran

sorry sir very sorry now he lost in second round of World Cup in Khanty Mansyk but recently he got married to his own wife for which I have taken his pictures which I am sharing with you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our good friend kramnik

sorry sir very sorry but I was looking at our good friend Kramnik now he was looking very happy so I asked him why are you laughing have you become a world champion once again then he said no so I again asked him why are you still laughing then he said that I have become a father for the first time a proud father so I said oh no how can it be possible you are a chess player where is your son show me your son then he said what son I don’t have any son so I told him but just now you said you have become a father and now you are saying you have no son then he started laughing and said it is a daughter not a son I just wanted to give you a surprise so I asked him where is your daughter show me your daughter are you fooling me then he said you can see her over there that small child next to my wife on the bed she is my daughter then I told him but she is still very small he said she was born in last month only to my own wife and we have kept her name also you can call her Daria or Dasha so I told him both are very funny names but why two two names choose one name only otherwise you will confuse the poor child

Monday, December 01, 2008


sorry sir very sorry but where is our good friend Amitabh Bachchan now he is still acting in hindi fillums or not I have seen many pictures like sholay deewar coolie amar akbar anthony now all these pictures ran because of amitabhbhai but I dont remember the whole story so I will have to see them again

Monday, September 22, 2008

Singh is King

sorry sir very sorry but nowadays our good friend Akshay Kumar is earning lot of money for acting in films now I dont know exact amount but it must be in crores so let us sing that Singh is king singh is king in this picture he is a sardarji and he is paired with katrina kaif

Zukertort vs Blackburne

sorry sir very sorry but our good friend Zukertort who played the first world championship match with Steinitz was himself a very strong player and he could play some very original moves which even computers cannot think of now do you know how he finished this game ? Keep thinking till I give you the answer in next month as this is puzzle for this month. Thank you sir

Budapest defense

sorry sir very sorry but how to play chess if you are white and your black opponent plays Budapest defense ?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hum Hindustani

sorry sir very sorry but this is a photo from the film ' hum hindustani ' with our good friend dev anand and asha parekh now I thought that tomorrow is our Independence day (15th August) so let us all celebrate
Chhodo kal ki baatein kal ki baat purani naye jagat mein likhenge hum milkar nayi kahani hum hindustani hum hindustani
thank you sir