Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our good friend kramnik

sorry sir very sorry but I was looking at our good friend Kramnik now he was looking very happy so I asked him why are you laughing have you become a world champion once again then he said no so I again asked him why are you still laughing then he said that I have become a father for the first time a proud father so I said oh no how can it be possible you are a chess player where is your son show me your son then he said what son I don’t have any son so I told him but just now you said you have become a father and now you are saying you have no son then he started laughing and said it is a daughter not a son I just wanted to give you a surprise so I asked him where is your daughter show me your daughter are you fooling me then he said you can see her over there that small child next to my wife on the bed she is my daughter then I told him but she is still very small he said she was born in last month only to my own wife and we have kept her name also you can call her Daria or Dasha so I told him both are very funny names but why two two names choose one name only otherwise you will confuse the poor child